Animated Pictures Of Animals Biography
Animated Pictures Of Animals
Animated Pictures Of Animals
Animated Pictures Of Animals
Animated Pictures Of Animals
Animated Pictures Of Animals 

Animated Pictures Of Animals Biography
My name is Kim and I am and always have been very passionate towards animals, I felt and connection with them since a very young age. Everyone always said I had a unique gift with animals and people. I have felt a calling for a long time but always feared the idea of facing what horrible things were happening to them. So with a guilty conscience, I would just feel sad, but do nothing.
Then I happened upon something called Canada Shame a few months ago. Although I NEVER am able to watch those video's activists so bravely record on this subject, something force me to click play, just for a second. I did, one second and stop. it was long enough! the sound that came from that video and the look on the mother seal and her cubs face sent me into hysterics.....for three days i was depressed, had a knot in my stomache, couldnt stop thinking of it and would cry on and off. THEN THE ANGER SET IN......and here we are.....I know why when I share this with other, their first instinct is to not get involved and i know why. its so painful. but look at it this way. it hurts you to know it or see it? what about the pain being experience to the poor helpless creature on the other side of what u are watching, reading or whatever? its a sacrafice im more than willing to make. and the thing is, now that i dont turn away , i feel a sense of relief instead of traumatized...dont get me wrong, i recieve these petitions in my email (1000's)! i dont ever watch anymore. i need to read the articles so i can educate myself enough for the work im doing and i cry while reading it. i sign every one i can and share them all, so i feel it justifies my not being able to watch. i gvie my support If we could all just take the time to remember to do our best to view the world as if through the eyes of a child, what a different world it would be! Children see everything through pure, innocent eyes. They are always curious, everything looks brand new and exciting. Easily they forgive and only want honesty, love and new experiences. They love animals and so enjoy watching, learning and interacting with them. They are truly amazed and cannot get enough of things like that, they view everything with magical , mystical wonder. They would never want to harm or kill something they see with eyes like that!
These children our counting on us to mould, guide and teach , we are failing them!
Animated Pictures Of Animals
Animated Pictures Of Animals
Animated Pictures Of Animals
Animated Pictures Of Animals
Animated Pictures Of Animals
Animated Pictures Of Animals
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