Animal Pictures For Children Biography
does anyone else show way more sympathy to animals than people? i do because i view all animals as innocent victims of man. not that this is news to anyone, but i get so angry at something like people clubbing seals or using chimpanzees as lab rats or using dolphins as nothing more than entertainment to rake in money, when these creatures have their OWN minds and deserve the same freedoms we have but they do not have them. i mean seriously, if i saw someone club a seal i'd take a boulder and bash their skull in and feel no remorse about it, that's how angry i get at this kind of thing. does anyone else feel this wayI feel like you do, all creatures have feelings and feel pain and joy on some level. Though to bash some human idiots head in, just because they hurt or killed a animal, would be just as bad, if not worse. One of higher intellect and feeling to even notice and feel that, should know better, even if the thought crosses your mind.
I am always so overwhelmed with feelings, when ever I see even a accidentally killed animal along the road, wild or domesticated. But I know that life, death and pain is a part of life and nature of things on Earth, in the present physical state in which is exists.
I have always been a very sensitive empath, and find animals and plants far better companions many times, and more soothing then many humans I come into contact with.
As a sensitive empath, one has to be-careful not to take on the pain and hurt of the animal, as if it was yours, toward human, been there in the past, don't want to go there again.
David I used to feel this way. Over a lifetime of working with wildlife (for conservation and protection of threatened and endangered species) I have a pretty different take on this. I see animals as fellow beings. Biologically we're all animals and so on. I see all creatures as having sentients in their own right. At the same time we're all part of the same energy exchange and interactions. Lions hunt, Wildebeests travel in huge herds and people use tools to advance their agenda. I see other creatures as being far more connected than we are. In fact we are so arrogant about our own importance that we completely miss the gifts that so many other living things offer to us every day.
What we do in the name of profit and progress is not OK. When actions of any one group or species are carried out to the detriment of others for things like profit it is a problem. The hunter needs to practice reverence and create sacred space for the hunted. All species are here for balance and to help one another on many levels. Things like killing baby Harp Seals en mass for profit is an abomination of these principles. So are mass agricultural practices that disrespect the lives of any creature. It doesn't mean that going fishing to put food on the table is wrong. Understanding our connections to all living things is what matters. There is no right or wrong in the natural system, just balance. We have become so disconnected from this that it is very sad. To me this same understanding of balance applies to plants as well as animals. The more people disassociate from the natural world, the more we loose our understanding of our connection to it.
There are terrible things that happen and I have learned to not take these things to heart because it would just send me on a downward negative spiral where I can be no help at all. Instead I choose to send blessings and positive energy out there to help any situation that needs it. Also keep in mind that there are so many good and amazing things being done to help animals all over the world. Every day Fish and Wildlife Agencies work to conserve and protect wildlife around the world. Private organizations work to conserve habitat and turn possible extinction around. So much good work is done everyday and many people care very much. This is what to focus on. The media never focuses on this and yet I have seen so many heart warming situations with people and other animals. It's very encouraging.
So I guess my message is; don't let these discouraging situations darken your perspective . Instead add your positive energy to the mix. I know it will be received with many thanks.

Animal Pictures For Children Biography
does anyone else show way more sympathy to animals than people? i do because i view all animals as innocent victims of man. not that this is news to anyone, but i get so angry at something like people clubbing seals or using chimpanzees as lab rats or using dolphins as nothing more than entertainment to rake in money, when these creatures have their OWN minds and deserve the same freedoms we have but they do not have them. i mean seriously, if i saw someone club a seal i'd take a boulder and bash their skull in and feel no remorse about it, that's how angry i get at this kind of thing. does anyone else feel this wayI feel like you do, all creatures have feelings and feel pain and joy on some level. Though to bash some human idiots head in, just because they hurt or killed a animal, would be just as bad, if not worse. One of higher intellect and feeling to even notice and feel that, should know better, even if the thought crosses your mind.
I am always so overwhelmed with feelings, when ever I see even a accidentally killed animal along the road, wild or domesticated. But I know that life, death and pain is a part of life and nature of things on Earth, in the present physical state in which is exists.
I have always been a very sensitive empath, and find animals and plants far better companions many times, and more soothing then many humans I come into contact with.
As a sensitive empath, one has to be-careful not to take on the pain and hurt of the animal, as if it was yours, toward human, been there in the past, don't want to go there again.
David I used to feel this way. Over a lifetime of working with wildlife (for conservation and protection of threatened and endangered species) I have a pretty different take on this. I see animals as fellow beings. Biologically we're all animals and so on. I see all creatures as having sentients in their own right. At the same time we're all part of the same energy exchange and interactions. Lions hunt, Wildebeests travel in huge herds and people use tools to advance their agenda. I see other creatures as being far more connected than we are. In fact we are so arrogant about our own importance that we completely miss the gifts that so many other living things offer to us every day.
What we do in the name of profit and progress is not OK. When actions of any one group or species are carried out to the detriment of others for things like profit it is a problem. The hunter needs to practice reverence and create sacred space for the hunted. All species are here for balance and to help one another on many levels. Things like killing baby Harp Seals en mass for profit is an abomination of these principles. So are mass agricultural practices that disrespect the lives of any creature. It doesn't mean that going fishing to put food on the table is wrong. Understanding our connections to all living things is what matters. There is no right or wrong in the natural system, just balance. We have become so disconnected from this that it is very sad. To me this same understanding of balance applies to plants as well as animals. The more people disassociate from the natural world, the more we loose our understanding of our connection to it.
There are terrible things that happen and I have learned to not take these things to heart because it would just send me on a downward negative spiral where I can be no help at all. Instead I choose to send blessings and positive energy out there to help any situation that needs it. Also keep in mind that there are so many good and amazing things being done to help animals all over the world. Every day Fish and Wildlife Agencies work to conserve and protect wildlife around the world. Private organizations work to conserve habitat and turn possible extinction around. So much good work is done everyday and many people care very much. This is what to focus on. The media never focuses on this and yet I have seen so many heart warming situations with people and other animals. It's very encouraging.
So I guess my message is; don't let these discouraging situations darken your perspective . Instead add your positive energy to the mix. I know it will be received with many thanks.
Animal Pictures For Children
Animal Pictures For Children
Animal Pictures For Children
Animal Pictures For Children
Animal Pictures For Children
Animal Pictures For Children
Animal Pictures For Children
Animal Pictures For Children
Animal Pictures For Children
Animal Pictures For Children
Animal Pictures For Children
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