Animal Abuse Pictures Biography
For those of you feeding these foods, please know that they are doing animal testing. Iams owns Eukenuba. They lock the dogs, and cats in small cages, sometimes holding them down to pour vegtable oil down their throats. They DO NOT treat any sick or injured animals, the KILL THEM. These animals spend their lives locked up without any toys, or affection. THe get their voice box removed so the "scientists" don't have to here the whinning. There have also been traces of the euthinasia chemical in these foods. Dogs and Cats are being placed into this food, upon their death. Please PLease boycott this food and company, talk to your Loacal pet stores and ask them not to carry this food. There are lives at risk here! Imagine if this was your dog....I can attest to the healing power of animals. I attempted suicide once, there was so much going on and I felt utter worthlessness, no rhyme or reason for being. I was in a serious state of depression, such a point my mom was ready to send me to a hospital for help. I love horses, always have loved them, wanted to be a vet or anything that would do with horses. My best friend/next door neighbor had a horse and for months they tried to get me to go and I wouldn't. I was the kind of person that NEVER EVER passes up the oppurtunity to be near a horse, pet a horse, ride a horse and I was saying no and sometimes angry no's with tears. I just wanted to be left alone and not be bothered by anyone. I came out of a very abusive relationship that was both physical and mental. I finally consented to go, just so they would all leave me alone. Yeah, upon first meeting he bit the crap out of my left boob and I nailed him with a fist to his rock hard granite forhead. I instantly realized he needed me as much as I needed him. We both fought each other, me for control and him to have his way. In the end we both won and I eventually bought him from my friend. That was almost 20yrs ago and still to this day, I say that horse saved my life. I always told my family that someday I'd own my own horse and I did, the one that saved me and i saved him from a person that thought of him as a "pet" a fad because someone else had one. Even now, I think of him and i feel sadness that I no longer have him but happiness at the joys we had togther and they are comforting.Animals have been absent in my life for 7 yrs. until January of 2010 when my cousin & her family adopted a Golden Retreiver puppy named Jessie. Knowing the challenges caused by my Bipolar Disorder which has prevented me from working since 2006, they asked if I would like to become a, "puppy nanny," for Jessie and play with her during the day while everyone was working & the kids were at school.
I was hesitant to make a commitment because I never know how I am going to feel from day to day but decided to try it out anyway. It was time to put my toe in the water.
Oh the lessons I learned: you don't need to talk to have a deep conversation, unconditional love (and a wagging tail) can bring a ray of sunshine into the deepest, darkest corner of the mind and rubbing a dog's stomach is surprisingly calming.
What 3 psychiatrists, 3 therapists, 3 hospitalizations, 2 suicide attempts and countless medications have not been able to do, a furry ball of pure love and boundless joy has trumped them all. Well done Jessie-thank goodness she doesn't charge by the hour.

Animal Abuse Pictures Biography
For those of you feeding these foods, please know that they are doing animal testing. Iams owns Eukenuba. They lock the dogs, and cats in small cages, sometimes holding them down to pour vegtable oil down their throats. They DO NOT treat any sick or injured animals, the KILL THEM. These animals spend their lives locked up without any toys, or affection. THe get their voice box removed so the "scientists" don't have to here the whinning. There have also been traces of the euthinasia chemical in these foods. Dogs and Cats are being placed into this food, upon their death. Please PLease boycott this food and company, talk to your Loacal pet stores and ask them not to carry this food. There are lives at risk here! Imagine if this was your dog....I can attest to the healing power of animals. I attempted suicide once, there was so much going on and I felt utter worthlessness, no rhyme or reason for being. I was in a serious state of depression, such a point my mom was ready to send me to a hospital for help. I love horses, always have loved them, wanted to be a vet or anything that would do with horses. My best friend/next door neighbor had a horse and for months they tried to get me to go and I wouldn't. I was the kind of person that NEVER EVER passes up the oppurtunity to be near a horse, pet a horse, ride a horse and I was saying no and sometimes angry no's with tears. I just wanted to be left alone and not be bothered by anyone. I came out of a very abusive relationship that was both physical and mental. I finally consented to go, just so they would all leave me alone. Yeah, upon first meeting he bit the crap out of my left boob and I nailed him with a fist to his rock hard granite forhead. I instantly realized he needed me as much as I needed him. We both fought each other, me for control and him to have his way. In the end we both won and I eventually bought him from my friend. That was almost 20yrs ago and still to this day, I say that horse saved my life. I always told my family that someday I'd own my own horse and I did, the one that saved me and i saved him from a person that thought of him as a "pet" a fad because someone else had one. Even now, I think of him and i feel sadness that I no longer have him but happiness at the joys we had togther and they are comforting.Animals have been absent in my life for 7 yrs. until January of 2010 when my cousin & her family adopted a Golden Retreiver puppy named Jessie. Knowing the challenges caused by my Bipolar Disorder which has prevented me from working since 2006, they asked if I would like to become a, "puppy nanny," for Jessie and play with her during the day while everyone was working & the kids were at school.
I was hesitant to make a commitment because I never know how I am going to feel from day to day but decided to try it out anyway. It was time to put my toe in the water.
Oh the lessons I learned: you don't need to talk to have a deep conversation, unconditional love (and a wagging tail) can bring a ray of sunshine into the deepest, darkest corner of the mind and rubbing a dog's stomach is surprisingly calming.
What 3 psychiatrists, 3 therapists, 3 hospitalizations, 2 suicide attempts and countless medications have not been able to do, a furry ball of pure love and boundless joy has trumped them all. Well done Jessie-thank goodness she doesn't charge by the hour.
Animal Abuse Pictures
Animal Abuse Pictures

Animal Abuse Pictures
Animal Abuse Pictures
Animal Abuse Pictures
Animal Abuse Pictures
Animal Abuse Pictures
Animal Abuse Pictures

Animal Abuse Pictures
Animal Abuse Pictures
Animal Abuse Pictures
Animal Abuse Pictures
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