3d Animation Pictures Biography
Ingrid Newkirk is an animal rights activist, author, and renowned cofounder of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). When she almost single-handedly launched the largest animal rights organization in the world, she hoped that one person could make a difference. In her new book, One Can Make a Difference: How Simple Actions Can Change the World, she shares the wisdom and insight of more than 50 world-changers like herself.
Newkirk is best known for the issue-awareness campaigns that she organizes on behalf of PETA in order to promote animal rights. Since it was founded, PETA has exposed horrific animal abuse in laboratories, leading to many firsts, including canceled funding, closed facilities, seizure of animals, and charges filed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. PETA has also closed the largest horse-slaughter operation in North America, convinced dozens of major designers and hundreds of companies to stop using fur, ended all car-crash tests on animals, cleaned up wretched animal pounds, helped schools switch to alternatives to dissection, and provided millions of people with information on vegetarianism, companion animal care, and countless other issues.
As PETA's president, Ingrid has spoken internationally on animal rights issues, from the steps of the Canadian Parliament to the streets of New Delhi, India, where she spent her childhood—and from the drowning tanks of Taiwan to the halls of the U.S. Congress.
Ingrid has served as a deputy sheriff, a Maryland state law enforcement officer with the highest success rate in convicting animal abusers, the director of cruelty investigations for the second-oldest humane society in the U.S., and the chief of animal disease control for the Commission on Public Health in Washington, D.C.
During her work as a humane officer, Ingrid discovered the enormous amount of animal abuse taking place in laboratories, on factory farms, and trap lines. Peter Singer's book Animal Liberation inspired her to found PETA in 1980, with the goals of investigating, exposing, and ending cruelty to animals through individual and group action.
Under Newkirk's leadership, legislation was passed to create the first-ever spay-and-neuter clinic in Washington, D.C. She coordinated the first arrest in U.S. history of a laboratory animal experimenter on cruelty charges and helped achieve the first anti-cruelty law in Taiwan. She spearheaded the closure of a Department of Defense underground "wound laboratory," and she has initiated many other campaigns against animal abuse, including ending General Motors' crash tests on animals.
Newkirk's biography shows that she is an abolitionist who remains committed to the idea that animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment.
Newkirk is the author of Save the Animals! 101 Easy Things You Can Do, 50 Awesome Ways Kids Can Help Animals, The Compassionate Cook, 250 Ways to Make Your Cat Adore You, PETA's Practical Guide to Animal Rights, Free the Animals, Making Kind Choices, Let's Have a Dog Party!, and One Can Make a Difference. She has also written numerous articles on the treatment of animals in homes, slaughterhouses, circuses, and laboratoriesn the biographies of seriously violent of-
fenders past episodes of animal cruelty can of-
ten be found retrospectively. However, the
nexus between violence against animals and
offenses against humans and objects is far from
evident. The purpose of the current study is toexamine the correlation between self-reporteddelinquency andcruelty toward animals amonga large sample of adolescents in a Europeancountry. So far, research onthis issue is limited to the United State and few studies have looked at a nonclinical sample of teenagers. From the learning theory perspective (Ban- dura, 1977), cruelty against animals and humans needs to be trained through several steps,since it is unlikely that extreme forms of violence occur without passing throughintermediate forms. This requires observation and,possibly, practice and training including neutralization of inhibitions (Sykes & Matza, 1957) that otherwise would be activated by victims’crying and their calls for pity. Social support certainly plays a decisive role in this process:Social tolerance of cruelty against animals allows many individuals who, under other circumstances, would avoid committing cruel acts,to learn and practice very cruel treatment of animals. From this perspective, violence and cruelty against humans is nothing but the final step of a longer process in which animal cruelty usually preceded. Equally plausible is the opposite temporal order in the sense that persons who often commit violent acts against other
humans can also be more easily cruel to animals.Another theoretical perspective (Howells,Watt, Hall &Baldwin, 1997) considers cruelty against animals and human beings as two sides of a same coin, namely poor self-control (and poor anger control in particular). The cause of animal cruelty as well as of cruelty toward other.

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